School of Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Automation

Monday, 12 April 2021

Kleiner Elektronik - Download Book

Liebe Kinder!

Wir haben 24 Elektronik-Projekte auf euch. Im Mittelpunkt stehen Transistoren, Leuchtdioden und ein kleiner Lautsprecher. Damit kann man ganz unterschiedliche Dinge bauen. Es gibt viel zu sehen, zu hören und zu experimentieren! Und wer möchte, findet hier auch die nötigen Informationen, wie das alles funktioniert.


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Mission of TESLA INSTITUTE is to be the leading provider of scientific information on education in Electrical Engineering, Electronics, Automation and Computer Technology. TESLA INSTITUTE offer new teaching method. Generally our idea can be simple describe as: Problem -> Thinking -> Searching solution -> Real problem solution Big part of study at TESLA INSTITUTE school is realized as solving problems and practical real life projects, which give student many experiences already at school. So as alumni students of TESLA INSTITUTE have so many practical experiences for their future employers. Our alumni are ready to talk about real professional things on their job interview We teach, we share and spread knowledge. You are welcome to learn at TESLA INSTITUTE
