School of Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Automation

Thursday, 30 October 2014

So what exactly electrical engineering is ?

Electrical engineering is an engineering field that in general studies electricity, electronics and electromagnetism, it also covers their applications The field first became an identifiable occupation in the late nineteenth century after commercialization of the electric telegraph and electrical power supply.  

It covers a range of subtopics including:
 - Power
 - Electronics
 - Control systems
 - Signal processing
 - Telecommunications

Electrical Engineering is vast as it covers from large-scale electrical systems like power generation and transmission, motor control etc. to very small scale systems including integrated circuits, computers etc. In many countries it is divided as Electrical Engineering (large-scale) and Electronic Engineering (small-scale).

An Electrical Engineer designs methods, devices, technologies etc to make everything simpler for everyone. I said it is the heart of engineering because we design techniques to help other engineering fields work more sufficiently. While designing, we always have to keep in mind how to make the device small (to increase mobility), less power consuming, more efficient, user friendly and last but not the least how to minimize the cost of production.
The first Electrical Engineer was  William Gilbert  who designed the versorium ( the first crude electroscope, the first instrument that could detect the presence of static electric charge). There on the numerous achievements in Electrical engineering began. There are plenty of objects, ideas, and concepts which deserve sitting on a list like this but right from the top of my head, I could name some of the obvious candidates, such as (in no particular order…) Electric Battery, Telegraphy, Radio, Television, Radar, Microwave Oven, Diode, Transistors, Integrated Circuits, Microprocessors which presaged the personal computers, cell phones, GPS etc.

If you consider how much of modern life is predicated upon these devices, it is amazing how few people know about most of these, in anything other than an extremely superficial or just a cursory manner… 
Usually people think that an Electrical Engineer is same as an Electrician, who would fix wiring problems or repair broken electronic devices etc. But I hope after reading this post they would be able to differentiate.


Monday, 27 October 2014

LeCroy raises bar with 100GHz scope

LeCroy raises bar with 100GHz scope

Teledyne LeCroy demonstrated the world’s first 100 GHz real-time oscilloscope on July 24, 2013 at the research facilities of Teledyne Scientific Company in Thousand Oaks, CA. In the demonstration, the prototype scope successfully acquired and displayed live signals at 100 GHz bandwidth. In addition, the Teledyne LeCroy and Teledyne Scientific also unveiled an indium phosphide (InP) chip, which is the first device in a new chip set planned for future generations of high-speed oscilloscopes.

During the demonstration (see video clip below), the injection signal was 100 GHz with a 240 GS/s sample rate (each sample was taken is approximately 4 ps apart). The company’s target applications include CEI-25/28, CEI-56, optical coherent modulation communication systems, defense and radar applications, emerging 10-32 Gb/s serial data technologies, 100GBASE-R Ethernet, SAS12,PCI Express Gen4, Thunderbolt, and next-generation USB.
The demonstration was conducted by Peter J. Pupalaikis, vice president, technology development Teledyne LeCroy; Roger Delbue, vice president, engineering Teledyne LeCroy; and Dr. Amarpal (Paul) Khanna, vice president, components, Phase Matrix, A National Instruments Company.


Friday, 24 October 2014

Will robots replace humans ?

Just saw an interesting video on youtube (you can watch it below) and it made me think about the possibility, that one day robots will replace us all. I suggest you first watch the video and afterwards would love to hear your opinion about it.

I talked a lot with my friends about this future, where robots will replace humans and we all be unemployed. Most of them told me that is not possible, but I am quite sure that one day this will be real.
I also want to believe that this will not make people poor, but on the contrary, people will thrive. I imagine a day when a robot will replace 3 human workers, but all of these workers will be represented by this robots, therefore they will receive a certain wage. Why would the companies replace all the human workers with robots if nobody will have money to use the services they provide or consume the products they produce?!

Anyways, I wouldn’t like to be replaced by a robot and become a useless “thing” trying to survive everyday without money. Probably, if that day will come, I would probably like to have a piece of land to ensure my basic needs.


About Tesla Institute

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Mission of TESLA INSTITUTE is to be the leading provider of scientific information on education in Electrical Engineering, Electronics, Automation and Computer Technology. TESLA INSTITUTE offer new teaching method. Generally our idea can be simple describe as: Problem -> Thinking -> Searching solution -> Real problem solution Big part of study at TESLA INSTITUTE school is realized as solving problems and practical real life projects, which give student many experiences already at school. So as alumni students of TESLA INSTITUTE have so many practical experiences for their future employers. Our alumni are ready to talk about real professional things on their job interview We teach, we share and spread knowledge. You are welcome to learn at TESLA INSTITUTE
